I spent the last week and a half in bed. It wasn’t great, but I needed it. The flu got me, and for once, I decided to prioritize my recovery over work (shocking, I know). I ignored my responsibilities (so much work, yikes!), and guess what? They’re all still here. What a surprise! But here’s the good news—I’m back, I’m healthy, and I’m ready to tackle my to-do list (kind of). So, how do I get back on track at work after the flu? Let’s dive in.

I Love My To-Do List
A to-do list is my lifeline at work. Whether it’s a good old-fashioned paper list or quick notes on my iPhone, I rely on it to keep me sane. After a long break, I write down everything that stresses me out. Today’s list included:
- Read two chapters of Java (because my Kotlin project demands it).
- Write two blog posts (yes, including this one—I’m behind!).
- Run on the treadmill for 25 minutes.
- Train with my application.
- Answer my emails.
- Set up my calendar.
- Clean up my computer.
Basically, I write it all down so it doesn’t live rent-free in my head.

Easing Back Into Work
I refuse to be too hard on myself. My first day back isn’t about being a productivity machine; it’s about easing in. Emails? Sure. Small, manageable tasks? Absolutely. Giant, soul-crushing projects? Not today, Satan. I pick the easy wins because checking things off my list feels amazing and keeps me motivated without draining my energy.
I Need My Exercise
After days of lying in bed or lounging on the sofa, my body feels like a deflated balloon. So, on my first day back, I schedule some light movement. Nothing too crazy—just enough to remind my muscles that they exist. A quick run or some stretching makes a world of difference in helping me feel like myself again.

Staying Focused and Avoiding Overwhelm
I have so much to do. Taxes, setting up icons on my blog, picking an open-source Kotlin project, and working on my sudoku app. Spoiler alert: I’m not doing all of that today. Instead, I break it down:
- Tomorrow: Taxes and ordering new Kotlin books.
- Next week: The rest.
No panic, no stress—just prioritization. I’ll get there. I always do.
I’ll make it, but I need time. Today, I’m feeling well and happy, and that’s what matters. Getting back on track is a process, and I’m okay with that.
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